台灣文化科技大會  2023 TTXC
People-Centric X Technology
X - 數學符號中代表「加乘」概念,也象徵連結、融合和串聯。 在數學上,也代表著未知的可能性。
人 - People-Centric 以人為本,是科技發展與數位轉型的大趨勢,X 中隱藏漢字「人」,意喻人與科技的因果關聯與疊加進化。
鎚 - 高雄曾是工業重鎮,隨著數位轉型和城市建設發展,已翻轉為 創業與科技之城。鐵鎚代表著工業,在英文語境中也被廣義詮 釋為科技和創意產業。
照片來源 → 高雄市政府文化局 

Taiwan Technology X Culture Expo
People-Centric × Technology
X - signifies the potential of the unknown. In mathematical symbols, it represents the concepts of "multiplication," symbolizing connection, fusion, and linkage. 
人 - People-Centric, focusing on people, is a major trend in the development of technology and digital transformation. The hidden Chinese character "人" in X implies the causal relationship and overlapping evolution between humans and technology.
Hammers - Kaohsiung was once an industrial center. With the development of digital transformation and urban construction, it has transformed into a city of entrepreneurship and technology. The hammer represents industry and, in the English context, is broadly interpreted as the technology and creative industry.
Photos  Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government

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